Using pour over coffee maker ?: 6 simple steps

Coffee is irresistible when you take it now and then. Thus, if you are a coffee lover like me, you need to put your best foot forward to know the best methods to brew it. There are different methods, and depending on the use and how often you take coffee, it will be much easier to know. You can decide to use the pour-over machine, drip machine, thermal carafe, glass carafe, or any other method. However, if you want to use pour over coffee maker, it comes with a price.

You need to purchase an ideal one that will suit your preference. I can assure you that coffee brewed using pour-over will never let you down. It has an exquisite taste that will make you addicted. With the right equipment and all the time in the world, you can easily make your coffee without purchasing one in the coffee shop.

What is a pour-over coffee machine?

pouring hot water over filter with coffee beans

You know something special about this type of coffee is that you can control your coffee’s taste and strength. Hence, you can make it in any way that you want it to be. This method of making coffee is also known as manual filter coffee since it requires you to pour hot water over freshly ground coffee beans. Sounds easy, right? 

You need to have freshly ground coffee, a coffee filter, and a pour-over machine. It will be a little bit hard at first, but you will get used to it, with time. It is the kind of coffee that will leave you wanting more

Also, you have to realize that there are different types of pour-over coffee machines. Some tend to have reusable filters, and thus no need for a paper filter. Some comprise two pieces, while others have just one. 

Depending on the kind of pour-over coffee machine you have, it can make from a range of 1-8 cups of coffee at a go. However, it depends on the capacity it can hold. Don’t overdo it!

How to make the best coffee using pour over coffee machine?

final image after perfect brew

Guide to make the best pour over coffee at home

Total Time: 30 minutes

1. Prepare your working area

working area

As part of cooking/brewing ethics, never work on a dirty surface. It is not logical and so unhygienic. Thus always make this a priority. It might seem petty, but trust me, it is worth your consideration.

Before we start, make sure you have a pour-over coffee maker, coffee filter, coffee grinder, gooseneck kettle (of your choice), and coffee beans. Although these are unnecessary, it will be useful to get a thermometer, timer, coffee scale, coffee beans, and water.

2. Heat Water

heating water

If you want to prepare your favorite cup of joe, hot water is an essential ingredient. We need first to heat our freshwater. You can either decide to measure in Celsius or Fahrenheit. The water needs to boil up to a temperature ranging from 91 – 95 degrees Celsius or 195 – 205 degrees Fahrenheit. To get the perfect coffee from your coffee makers, it is essential that your brewer brews in the temperature range of 195 – 205 degrees. This is one of the most crucial factors that you should consider before you make a purchase.

However, if you don’t have a thermometer, let your coffee boil to the maximum, which is 100 degrees, then wait for like thirty seconds before brewing. Let it loose some heat before using it. Alternatively, use a smart kettle that will help you predetermine the temperature.

3. Determine the coffee capacity you want

select amount of coffee

The coffee capacity you need also plays a significant role in deciding the coffee beans you will brew. If your water to coffee ratio is not ideal, your coffee won’t turn out as you would want it to be.

Let me simplify this for you. The best ratio to use is 60 grams of coffee: 1 liter of water. I guess with that pro tip, you will be in a better position to measure the amount you need to make a fair amount of coffee. Don’t overdo it or under-do it for the best result.

Just work with the ratio, and you will never go wrong. The more the ground coffee, the sweeter and tastier it becomes.

4. Wet the filter and ground your coffee

wetting the filter

You also need to wet your filter to get rid of the paper taste in the filter. If you jump this step, you will spoil the taste of your coffee. Place the brewer in the dripper and pour water over it in a circle for like five seconds. Ensure you discard that water, don’t forget.

Grinding your coffee makes it have fine particles for better coffee. However, it would help if you were careful not to lead to bitterness or bland taste. A medium-fine grind is good and will do the trick for you. If you want your coffee to be mild, let it be coarse and if you want it to be rich, let it be fine.

5. Pouring water – the most crucial step

adding water - the most crucial step in using pour over coffee maker

Now that we are done with the preparation, we can now make the coffee. First, start your timer and begin pouring the hot water over the coffee grounds in the filter in a steady way to ensure all the ground coffee is saturated.

1. First, pour for 15 seconds and let it mix with the coffee grounds and wait for like 15-30 seconds before you continue adding water. 
2. Pour with short pauses to ensure they mix well and let the carbon dioxide to escape. Try to maintain the level to ensure that the mixture drips into the filter as you pour the water. 
3. It would be best if you took up to a maximum of 1 minute for all the water to run through the filter, not counting the pauses. 
4. So typically, within three minutes, you should be done. Remember, the pauses are meant to allow carbon dioxide to escape to ensure your coffee is the best. 

I hope you’ve been checking your timer. Also, if you note that the water is running through the coffee too fast, use a finer grind size next time. However, if it moved too slowly, use a coarser grind next time. Furthermore, when adding the hot water, ensure you do it evenly through the filter.

6. Record the process

recording your progress

Rome was not built in a day, so just like that, you can’t be perfect on your first day. Hence, it would help if you recorded your progress at all times. And yeah, don’t be lazy in this process!

Recording your progress will help you even know what went wrong, where you went wrong with your grounding, and why you used more time than the other. This is essential! Have a separate book for the same. With time you will be training your friends on how to make coffee or even start your restaurant. Every critical step is essential.

7. Clean the equipment

cleaning equipments after usage

Cleanliness while in the kitchen is essential. Ensure you clean all the spills and ensure you leave your working area looking great. Also, wash the equipment well, keeping in mind that water shouldn’t enter the sensitive parts and cause it to be faulty. This will help prevent your equipment from getting old fast, and also you won’t feel lazy to make coffee again.

Let’s enjoy the coffee now and make more. Cheers!

Final Thoughts

The critical thing to remember is to use a clean surface, boil your water till 91 – 96 degrees Celsius and wet the filter. Furthermore, ground the coffee according to preference and add it in the filter, with some hot water in the coffee machine. It should take a maximum of 3 minutes. That’s easy.

 Also, keep in mind that the ground coffee size will play a significant role in how the coffee will turn out. Thus, it would help if you were careful. Additionally, get the best high-quality coffee beans for use. It would help if you also were cautious of the best tips and tricks that will make you brew coffee like a barista. 

Your home experience will never be the same again. Also, ensure you take all necessary precautions to ensure you don’t use the wrong ratios to make your coffee.

Arianna Koss
About Arianna Koss

Hi there! My name is Arianna Koss. Some of my friends call me a coffee freak, but I admire coffee and it’s my passion. I love to have lattes and espressos, and even worked as Barista for 3 years! I have created this blog to share the recipes and tricks that I have used to make the great cup of joe. Don’t forget to subscribe so that you do not miss out on any updates!

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