If you have reached this page, it means you have liked our blog and willing to contribute! Are you a blogger or coffee lover who wants to get his blog noticed with his work? I am delighted to say that you have come to the right place. BlackBearHartFord is the perfect place for food and coffee lovers, where we post various articles in the food and coffee section. We are always looking for guest authors who are willing to contribute to get noticed.
What topics can be submitted as part of the guest post?
- Anything related to coffee/ brewers.
- We can accept articles closely related to coffee as well.
- We can even make exceptions to allow other articles related to beverages, provided it is related to the coffee in some or other way.
- We can even accept articles related to food, probably in the upcoming future. Or if you plan on submitting 7 – 10 articles around a certain topic, I’d be happy to add a separate category for these articles.

Guidelines to follow (If you decide to write for us)
- We are interested in well written and genuine articles, stories, your experiences, recipes, and others among few.
- You should make sure that the content you submit is 100% unique and should not appear anywhere on the web.
- The content should contain at least 2000 words, separated in small paragraphs, lists, sub-headings wherever applicable. For certain topics, 2000 words will be too much to ask for, so we do allow articles with at-least 1000 words as well.
- Please make sure you are submitting an article or story and not an infographic or press release.
- You should provide relevant images and make sure that they are royalty-free images. In case you do not provide an image, we will add relevant images wherever feasible.
- Once your article is published, it will be the property of BlackBearHartFord and cannot be reproduced/ pasted elsewhere.
- You should make sure that you share the article link on your personal social media profiles and respond to the comments received on your article.
- You can link to relevant sites wherever appropriate, for reference. Please make sure that you do not place too many links within the article. We can remove the links which are not relevant or not required.
- You should be fine with us in editing the article, in case there is an issue with the language/ tone/ facts mentioned in the article.
- We have the complete right to reject your article if we find it not suitable, in which case you are free to use this article elsewhere.
- You should be fine with us editing the article in the future to make sure that it is updated with time and new information is added.
- If you have finished writing the article, you can link email it to us as Word document rather than an image or PDF. Make sure to include images/ videos as a separate attachment with the email and not within Word document.
- Please make sure to include 2-3 lines about yourself, which will be displayed below the post.
- You can drop us a line with the topic you are intending to contribute on first. Just to make sure that we do not post the same content again, you can check out the existing articles on this site. It will also give you an idea about the formatting of posts used over here.
- I think that’s all for now, you can drop me a line on email in case of any queries.
How to submit your guest post?
You can drop me an email with few titles (Around 5-6) that you wish to submit an article on. I can select one topic out from those and then you can come back later with the completed article. This will ensure that I do not have to reject the article later on if it does not fit the category of the site.